Tuesday, July 5

Orange Marmalade

Hello Everyone :D This weekend was amazing cause... I SAW MY FAVOURITE BAND METALLICA LIVE IN GOTHENBURG SWEDEEEEN...it was nuts. Imagine something superepicperfectamazingawesomeee and take that one million times and you're a bit closer to what that concert was :O....awesomeeee
Then back to mangaa! Today I'll tel you about a korean web comic, Orange Marmalade I'm following. The theme is...well if its a theme it can only be one thing VAMPIREEES... ofcourse.....you should get tired of it ,but somehow you just don't. Well this is a romance/drama/comedy web comic written by Seok Woo. It's in full color. After Noblesse I discovered this whole world of web comic, full color manga/manhwa and I love it!
It's about a girl, Ma Ri and a boy, Jae Min. The girl's a vampire and she's the maincharacter. She ofcourse thinks his blood smells delicious and all that but there's synthetic blood and blabla the normal shit BUT what I like about this story is that she's not some stalker after him but actually he after her, but in a weird way. She really rejects him all the time and the manhwa is alot about their relationship developing to something that...can't even be called friendship yet, but its coming.
However alot of the mahwa is mainly about how Ma Ri tries to adapt to being with humans and opening up more. Jae Min and the bandclub helps her to overcome some of the weird illusions she have about being fine by herself as a loner...really ...who likes being all by themselves ALL the time? Well by time they will probably find out that she's a vampire but that's yet to come! I really love the fact that its a full color manga and the illustrations are great as you see.
Well Love from me :D Linda

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